Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, of course! As Dallas personal injury lawyers, we are more than happy to talk with people about their case, without charging a fee for the consultation.
At the end of the conversation, if the caller decides to retain us, we forward the paperwork to the caller so that he or she can sign up with our firm, and begin work on their case.
On the other hand, if the caller does not want to retain me at the end of our conversation, or would simply like to think about it, there is no fee charged. Even if it is a case that we are not able to take for some reason, we can often make a referral to a qualified attorney who can help you.
In most Texas personal injury cases, the only deadline that applies is a two-year statute of limitations. This means that you must bring suit no later than two years from the date of the accident or you would be prevented from filing suit. If your claim is not settled by the two-year anniversary of the accident, then a lawsuit MUST be filed prior to the anniversary date in order to protect your rights. However, some cases have much shorter deadlines, which is why you should contact an attorney immediately after being injured.
You may be entitled to a number of different types of damages under Texas State Law. Some of the more common types of damages in accident cases are reasonable past and future medical expenses, lost earnings, mental anguish, pain and suffering, and physical disfigurement.
Our fee is taken as a percentage of the recovery that is made. However, if we are unable to recover money for you, you do not pay us anything.
If your case is settled, then your case will not go to court. This is what happens in most situations. Some cases do require a formal trial proceeding, however. In either situation, hiring a firm with experience in handling personal injury cases is critical. We prepare all of our cases as if they are going to court and this is the very reason why most of our cases get settled outside of court. We are always prepared, and our preparation allows us to negotiate from a position of strength.
While you are in treatment, we are building your files, obtaining copies of all medical records in connection with the accident and injuries, and resolving any remaining liability or other issues in the case. Of course, the length of medical treatment depends on the nature and severity of your injuries. Each case is very different, it’s difficult to say how long your case will take. If a lawsuit is filed it can take longer than if the case is settled pre-suit.
Your case is worth either what you agree with the insurance company it’s worth or the amount of a cash award granted by a judge and jury. We examine all of the conditions surrounding your case in order to arrive at a figure that we believe the insurance company must pay for your injuries. Generally, the dollar value is dependent upon the type and extent of your injuries. Other factors influencing the dollar value of your case are medical bills, the length of treatment, the frequency of treatment, potential future medical bills, permanent disabilities, and any other damage that can be documented. We study every detail so that we can get you the money you deserve for your injuries.
It’s true that you could hire any licensed lawyer, but not all lawyers have the training, expertise, and trial experience that Robert Greening has. Mr. Greening is Board Certified in Personal Injury Trial Law with the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.
If you’re hurt in an accident, no matter who is at fault, personal injury protection (PIP) will pay your medical bills, expenses, and loss of income. Uninsured or underinsured motorist (UIM) coverage helps make up the difference in a negligent driver’s insurance policy limits and the damages you suffered from your injuries. This is important because the emergency room bill alone could easily be many times higher than the minimum coverage Texas drivers are required to carry. When buying car insurance, think seriously about getting these. Hopefully, you’ll never need it, but if you do, it could make the difference in keeping your family afloat while you’re down.
The statute of limitations refers to the need to file a lawsuit within a time limit. In Texas, many causes of action have a two-year statute of limitation, but not all. Some lawsuits, such as lawsuits against the government require a notice within a short time. The time begins to run when a cause of action accrues. A good example is someone negligently running into your car. The statute of limitation begins on the day of the accident. This issue can become more complicated. Sometimes, you have no way of knowing that you have a cause of action for years, such as discovering ill effects from taking a medication or being exposed to chemicals. It is important to seek the advice of an attorney and doctor if you suspect that you are having problems but don’t know for sure if it relates to the negligence of another or an unreasonably dangerous product.
In a car accident case even if the other driver doesn’t have any insurance, you may still be covered. Check with our office. We can look at your policy and tell you if you have uninsured motorist coverage, coverage which can compensate you if you are involved in an auto accident with someone who has no insurance.