Injuries to Children

Injuries to Children

As a parent, you are not always with your children. There are currently several humorous commercials on television about trying to be with your children everywhere. They bring home the point that you cannot be, nor should you be, at their side all the time.

When you are at work or your children are at daycare, school, camp or on the sports field, you expect those who you entrust your children to will keep them safe and free from injury.

If your child gets hurt while under the care and supervision of another, Texas law provides remedies to you and your child. Many of the cases we see at GreeningLaw, P.C. involve injuries to children while at a day care center, camp, religious institution, a pool or the sports field.

Many of these injuries result from the negligent supervision of your child or negligence in the proper training and screening of persons entrusted with the care of your children. Lawsuits for injuries to children can result in recoveries for hospital bills, medical treatment, psychological treatment, if required, and money for pain, mental anguish, physical impairment, physical disfigurement.

If your child is injured due to the negligence of another, here are some tips:

  • Take your child immediately to get proper medical treatment.
  • Report the injury or abuse to the proper state agency which governs the institution where the injury occurred.
  • Contact the police if sexual abuse has occurred.

Robert Greening of GreeningLaw, P.C. in Dallas, Texas has extensive experience in handling child injury cases all over Texas. Greening stands ready to fully advise you of you and your child’s rights in this unfortunate situation.

Robert Greening
GreeningLaw, P.C.