Can You Sue Someone for Falling on Their Property?

Can You Sue Someone for Falling on Their Property?

The injuries you sustain could go far beyond a skinned knee to include broken bones, significant blood loss or a concussion. The medical bills for tests and treatment could be extensive. And, to make matters worse, you could miss an extended amount of time from work.

If you find yourself or a loved one in such a situation, you may be wondering if you can sue to recover costs. A bad fall may be just bad luck, but it may also be someone else’s responsibility, in which case, you can sue. The key is knowing the difference.

What is a “Slip and Fall?”

In simple terms, a “slip and fall” occurs when you trip, slip or fall on someone else’s property and sustain an injury. These cases generally fall under the category of “premises liability” claims and, for the property owner to be held responsible, there must be at least one dangerous condition present that directly caused the fall. Indoor dangerous conditions may include wet or uneven flooring, torn carpeting, narrow or broken stairs, poor lighting, or the presence of hazards such as unsecured cables and cords.

Dangerous outdoor conditions are similar with regards to lighting at night and broken stairs or walkways, but can also include weather-related hazards. These hazards more often occur in climates where snow and ice can cause very slippery conditions, however, rain may also create problems.

In order to have a compensable case, you must have sustained injuries and suffered financial losses that could be remedied by the courts, including lost wages, medical bills, and temporary or permanent disability accommodations.

Proving Fault

Determining who is legally responsible for your injuries is not an easy task. Each case is unique and hinges on whether the property owner took reasonable care to prevent a slip and fall, or whether you were in some way careless and caused the accident. As discussed above, you must prove that your injuries were caused by the presence of a “dangerous condition.” What is more, the property owner must have been aware of it and failed to act in a timely and appropriate manner to fix the problem.

In addition, the property owner must have been reasonably able to anticipate that the dangerous condition could cause an injury, however, at the same time, it must be a hazard that you could not have reasonably anticipated. We have the responsibility to be aware of our surroundings and avoid obvious dangers, but many are hidden and difficult to avoid if you are unfamiliar with the environment.

Comparative Negligence

In the state of Texas, one of the defenses a property owner can mount in a slip and fall case is that you are, in some way, partially responsible for the accident. If they can prove this in court, it could significantly impact your case and the amount you are awarded, if you are awarded anything at all. Your lawyer will ask questions to help determine whether you need to be concerned. Some examples of shared fault include:

  • You can be proven, through video for example, to have been distracted to what the property owner will argue was an obvious danger. Perhaps you were texting while walking or were walking backwards while talking to a couple of friends.
  • You ventured, perhaps without permission, into an area of the property where visitors were not allowed. It is important to always watch out for signage and not let your curiosity get the better of you.
  • You did not take care to avoid a hazard that was blocked off with caution tape or signs. In other words, the dangerous condition should have been obvious.

Even if you are embarrassed about your role in your injuries, it is important to be honest. Being able to weigh all the facts of the case will help your lawyer come up with the best possible plan of action.

Statute of Limitations

If you or a loved one is injured in a slip and fall accident, it is important to seek legal advice promptly. Texas has a statute of limitations of two years for personal injury in premises liability cases, which means that starting on the date the accident occurred, you have two years to file a case, after which point you will be unable to do so. It may feel overwhelming to consider contacting a lawyer while you are in the middle of a painful recovery, however, it is important to keep that time clock in mind when balancing your need to recuperate and your need to take legal action.

Seek Legal Advice

When you are ready to consider your legal options, contact us for a free consultation. Our team of trusted attorneys at GreeningLaw P.C. will bring their expertise and compassion to the table to work for you. We appreciate that you may need help before you have the money for it, which is why we work strictly on a contingency basis. We do not receive payment unless you are awarded funds. We are here for you. “We fight the legal battle, so you have time for healing and renewal.”

Suicide Is Preventable – Know the Signs and Symptoms

Suicide Is Preventable – Know the Signs and Symptoms

Suicide is entirely preventable with the right care, support and diagnosis. No single event or cause needs to be the trigger for suicide, but there are certain symptoms and signs that you can watch out for to prevent suicide.

Suicide Warning Signs


Often, a sign of suicide can be hopelessness. This can include phrases like “No one will ever understand how sad I feel” or “I will never find love again.” It can also pertain to lack of certainty and sadness toward the future or future plans.

Preparing for the Worst

Preparing for the worst can be an indication of suicide. This means the person may be preparing their will or selling their belongings at what may seem like an odd time in their life. Keep an eye out for behaviors like this.

Dangerous Behavior

Living on the edge or doing “daredevil” activities could be a sign as well. Often, the person could joke about jumping off a bridge without a bungee cord or turning into traffic. This is a huge sign the person may be mentally unstable and may need help.

Recent Trauma

As always, it is good to care closely for someone who has recently experienced trauma. Trauma can trigger a lot of emotions and can sometimes lead to suicidal thoughts. If you have a friend or family member who recently experienced a traumatic experience, try to check in on them frequently.


Withdrawal is a huge symptom of suicide. It means the person stops communicating with their friends and family or simply goes off the grid for a period of time. It is likely that someone withdrawing may be experiencing depression that could lead to suicide. Try to reach out to anyone who seems like they may be withdrawing to ensure they feel supported and loved.

Depression Or Excessive Sadness

Sadness or depression are definitely symptoms to watch. Extreme depression can cause feelings of hopelessness, loneliness, sadness and may be a sign of suicide. Try to be there for the person through their sadness and talk with them through their problems. You can also recommend seeing a therapist or doctor.

Substance Abuse

Sometimes, extreme substance abuse can be an indication of a bigger problem. Often, depression can be a catalyst for substance abuse and the two partnered together can indicate larger problems. Advise loved ones to get help if they struggle with substance abuse.

And Much More…

Anything from historical factors like a family history of suicide to prolonged stress factors like bullying can be a sign that suicide may be considered or acted upon. Even aggression or oversleeping can indicate a larger problem. More obvious signs could be calling loved ones and saying goodbye or threatening to commit suicide.

What To Do If You Think Someone Is Suicidal

It is said that people with a good support system of friends and family in addition to mental care services have a less likely chance to commit suicide. So, support your friends and family to the best of your ability.

Also, ask for help from others and seek professional help. Remember to take anyone who threatens suicide seriously—it could save their life! Try not to leave the person alone and remove any potentially dangerous objects (such as guns, knives or drugs) from their reach.

If You Or Someone Close To You Needs Immediate Help

Call 911 or your local emergency number immediately. Call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline, available 24 hours a day at 1-800-273-8255.

If You Need Legal Help, Look No Further Than GreeningLaw, P.C.

At GreeningLaw, P.C., we have extensive experience in holding mental healthcare providers accountable when suicide or attempted suicide occurs in a healthcare institution. At our firm, our motto is that “we fight the legal battle, so you have time for healing and renewal.” This means we are here for you and your family in time of need. We are sensitive to the many issues that can occur when a family member has been seriously injured or killed, so we represent our clients on a contingency fee basis. This means that you can focus on your family while we take care of the financial commitments of legal action up front. You’ll reimburse us after the settlement and we will walk you through the process. We like to discuss all the details of the process right from the start, so there are no surprises. Our fees are contingent on us winning compensation for you; so our goal is to get you the best compensation possible.

Call (972) 934-8900 for Robert Greening, at any time for a free consultation! He’s here to help and GreeningLaw, P.C. is one of the most recognized law firms when it comes to Personal Injury and Wrongful Death cases.

Can I Take Legal Steps After a Concussion?

Can I Take Legal Steps After a Concussion?

Can I Take Legal Steps After a Concussion?

Over 3 million people experience concussions every year, according to the Mayo Clinic. Usually a concussion is self-diagnosable; but often it is beneficial to see a doctor immediately.

Often, you can take legal steps after receiving a concussion due to an accident. First, let’s look at the definition of a concussion, the symptoms, cures and risk factors before we talk about taking legal steps post-injury.

What is a Concussion?

A concussion is a mild brain and head injury that occurs from being hit or hitting your head. It can also be caused by violent shaking or other impact that injures your brain. When you get a concussion, your levels of brain chemicals change and usually take about a week for full recovery and to stabilize the chemical levels again.

Activities that may increase your risk of getting a concussion range from falling, participating in high-risk sports, being a victim of physical abuse or getting into an accident on a motorcycle, bike or in a car. Also, if you have had a previous concussion, you are at a higher risk for getting another one and are also at a higher risk for complications.

Symptoms of a Concussion

Sometimes a concussion can cause unconsciousness, but they always cause temporary cognitive delays. Cognitive delays include a lack of coordination, memory loss and confusion. The most common symptom of concussions is headaches or migraines, but you can also experience vomiting, fatigue, ringing in your ears, sleepiness and nausea or vomiting. Other more serious symptoms include psychological problems, depression, sensitivity to light, irritability, taste and smell disorders and slurring speech.

Cures for a Concussion

Oddly enough, there aren’t specific cures for a concussion. Both physical and cognitive rest are recommended after a concussion. Usually it is advisable to rest and allow your brain to fully recover. Sleeping or resting without the use of TV or video games is best. Make sure to stay away from physical activities such as sports or weight training. Sometimes, headache medicine can help, or anti-nausea medicine can be prescribed as well.

Risk Factors of a Concussion

Concussions can have severe consequences. There are many complications that can occur and impede recovery. Post-traumatic vertigo, seizures, loss of consciousness, lasting dizziness and large bumps or bruises could be symptoms of a larger issue at hand.

Just to be safe, brain imaging may be recommended for some people with severe concussion symptoms. Also, it may be beneficial to be hospitalized for observation. It is recommended that regardless of the severity, you should see a doctor after a concussion or brain injury. It is crucial that you are monitored closely and all necessary precautions are observed.

A worst-case scenario could be a traumatic brain injury (TBI) after a concussion. TBIs are serious conditions that can cause disabilities or even death.

What Legal Steps Can I Take After a Concussions?

If you or your loved one are not recovering after a concussion, it is beneficial to talk about your legal rights to receive compensation for your injury. If you have a concussion or are at all at risk for traumatic brain injury due to the fault of someone else, we recommend seeking legal consultation immediately.

In no way should you have to bear the financial burden of an accident that can affect your entire life and the life of your loved ones. Concussions are no laughing matter and can have long-term effects on you or your family.

Who Can Help With The Legal Steps?

Robert Greening of GreeningLaw, P.C., is a professional attorney who assists victims of concussion or traumatic brain injuries in receiving the compensation they need. We understand that an accident or death in your family is not only a sensitive matter but one that has caused a burden on your life. We believe that pursuing fair compensation after an incident shouldn’t be a cause of stress.

Our personal injury attorneys will support and represent you from A to Z! They are experts in their field and take all claims seriously and professionally. Call (972) 934-8900 to set up a free consultation with GreeningLaw, P.C.

At your free consultation, we will discuss the basis of your claim and outline the process. We work on a contingency basis, meaning you don’t pay for anything unless you receive compensation for your case. This way we protect you the best way possible and there are no surprise charges.

At GreeningLaw, P.C., we fight the legal battle so you have time for healing and renewal.