Texas Dog Bite Laws

Texas Dog Bite Laws

Texas Dog Bite Laws 1

It is important for both dog owners and dog bite victims to understand the laws in Texas about dog bites. Texas follows the common law “one bite rule.” This means a dog gets one bite – the first time he bites someone the owner is generally not responsible. After that one bite, the owner is put on notice that he has a dangerous dog and the owner will be responsible for any injuries caused by subsequent bites. However, even if the dog had never bitten, if the owner knew his dog showed vicious tendencies or violated a law established to protect the public’s safety, the owner may be liable.


In Texas, a dog bite victim can recover compensation under the doctrines of negligence, negligence per se, and intentional tort. The failure to stop an attack in progress is also actionable. If you have been bitten by a dog that has bitten you or someone else before, the dog owner is responsible and can be sued for one of these legal charges. Also, if the owner knew the dog showed any tendencies toward biting and then the dog did actually bite someone, the owner can be found responsible. Additionally, a dog bite victim can sue and recover damages from a dog owner if the owner violated a law established to protect the public’s safety, such as a leash law.


If a dog owner is found liable for his dog’s actions, he could end up paying a dog bite victim for medical expenses, time lost from work, emotional distress, and pain and disfigurement, if the bite left scars.. A dog owner may avoid liability by proving that the injured person provoked the injury, or voluntarily and knowingly risked being injured by the dog. A dog owner will also have a valid defense if the person bitten was unlawfully trespassing on the private property of the dog owner when he was bit. 




If you have been the victim of a dog bite, contact Greening Law, P.C. at 972-934-8900. Robert Greening, the principal attorney at Greening Law, P.C., has dedicated his 24 years of practice to the litigation of wrongful death and serious injury cases. Mr. Greening will answer any questions you may have concerning Texas dog bite laws and potential recovery of damages.